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What Is The Treachery of Images?

Passengers, Rearranged

How Jane Austen Changed Fiction Forever

Time, Tarkovsky And The Pandemic

How Art Arrived At Jackson Pollock

Why You Should Go To The Movie Theater

Why Sargent Painted Outside The Lines

How David Fincher Hijacks Your Eyes

How Spotlight Dramatizes Good Journalism

The Death of Socrates: How To Read A Painting

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How Bernie Sanders Answers A Question

What Realistic Film Dialogue Sounds Like

How Marvelman Changed Superheroes

The Florida Project Should've Been Nominated

Why This Is Rembrandt's Masterpiece

Through Agnes Varda's Looking Glass

How Ian McKellen Acts With His Eyes

Batman v Superman: The Fundamental Flaw

Lord Of The Rings: How Music Elevates Story

Arrival: A Response To Bad Movies

How Emily Dickinson Writes A Poem

Edvard Munch: What A Cigarette Means

What The Truman Show Teaches Us About Politics